Funen Police

Funen Police

Contact us

Funen Police
Hans Mules Gade 1-3
5000 Odense C

Tlf.: 114 

Office hours
Monday to Thursday: 8:00–15:00
Friday: 8:00–14:00

About the Funen Police prosecution service

The Funen Police District covers Funen and the surrounding islands, a total area of just over 3,500 square kilometres. The district serves just under half a million inhabitants and comprises 10 local authority districts: Assens, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Kerteminde, Langeland, Middelfart, Nordfyn, Nyborg, Odense, Svendborg, and Ærø.

The headquarters of the Funen Police District are located in Odense where the prosecution service is also located. The prosecution service conducts criminal proceedings before the district courts of Odense and Svendborg.

The Funen Police prosecution service has around 55 staff members, organised in three prosecution divisions. In addition to cases from the local police stations, each deals with cases within its own specialised areas: General Criminal Cases, Special Criminal Cases, and Legality and Quality.